Author Archives: Jason Moorhead

Thoughts on Black Mirror (Series 3)

A while back I watched the most recent episodes of Black Mirror– the third in a series of dark and unnerving tales depicting the unfortunate endeavors of individuals living in a dystopian future, written by Charlie Brooker. Here are my thoughts. Having seen the two previous series, I knew what I was getting into preparing to watch these six new episodes released in […]

Thoughts on Comedy

I’ve been thinking a bit about the nature of humor lately and the way it plays a vital part in the world we live and in us ourselves as human beings. More specifically I’ve been thinking about the role of the stand-up comedian and how they can manipulate any aspect of emotion and society and weave it into […]

“Siddartha” by Hermann Hesse [BOOK REVIEW]

    The tale of Siddartha opens with the reader being introduced to its protagonist- the son of a wealthy Brahmin- his friend Govinda and their indulgent lifestyles. My first impression was that the style of writing was simplistic, feeling in some ways like blatant allegory; a sense of fairy tale, which led me to […]

Alter Egos in Art & The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s

For my first “official” post I thought I’d ponder the idea of alter egos, and how they have helped artists create some of their finest work. It’s usually believed that of any artist, in creating a piece of work- whether it be music, written or otherwise- a part of themselves is given to that work, and […]

And the day was born…

And the day was born...